纳帕 Valley’s 12 Best Breakfast Spots

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  • 2024年4月12日
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ag体育正规的旅行中,如果没有几顿美味的饭菜,那就不算完整. When it comes to deciding where to grab that first bite of the day, there are plenty of enticing options, 但是如何选择呢?? 我们将聚焦ag体育正规最美味的早餐和早午餐地点. 正如他们所说, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if you plan on indulging in some daytime wine!

餐厅 /纳帕


在美丽的卡内罗斯度假村和水疗中心的Boon Fly咖啡馆在卡内罗斯产区品尝一天的葡萄酒之前,为您提供丰盛的早餐. 这家现代客栈以其新鲜的食物和明亮的灯光吸引了常客和游客, 活泼的位置. 在这里, you’ll find comforting farm-to-table favorites, such as corned beef hash 和 triple stack griddle cakes, as well as inventive California cuisine, 比如烟熏鲑鱼大饼和牛油果吐司加上意想不到的时令配料. 如果不点一份他们“世界闻名”的迷你肉桂糖甜甜圈,去Boon Fly就不算完整, so be sure to order some for the table.


早午餐马提尼,有人要吗? 你没看错. The cocktails at Boon Fly Cafe are fabulous, including the spicy bacon Bloody Mary, making for a fun way to kick off a day of wine tasting.

图片由Boon Fly Cafe提供

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餐厅 /圣赫勒拿


Located at the adults-only property, 阿利拉ag体育正规, 相思的房子酒店位于乔治亚风格的农舍内,享有葡萄园美景. 这里的菜肴是高级的美国菜,口味大胆,展示了可持续的农场, 本地和有机农产品. 你会发现一个丰盛的早餐菜单在一周和一个有趣的早午餐菜单在周末喜欢羊角面包面包布丁法国吐司, 熏鳟鱼卷, 还有上等牛排和鸡蛋. 别忘了用Naysayers Coffee Roasters的一杯热气腾腾的Joe或招牌果汁来赞美你的餐点. 早上的菜单可能不是很丰富,但它们完美的特色菜肯定会弥补这一点,让你梦想着在这里吃下一顿饭.


Brunch is served on Saturdays 和 Sundays until 2:30 pm. 你会发现,在早餐最爱的菜式中,你会发现像土豆薯条和金枪鱼沙拉酱这样的菜肴,还有一篮子新鲜出炉的糕点——这是周末品酒的完美方式.


餐厅 / Calistoga


Hidden inside the mid century modern-inspired Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村 & 水疗中心, 更好的房子专注于为饥饿的葡萄酒之乡游客提供营养丰富的食物,而这些食物恰好是美味的! 甚至更好的, 更好的房子每天都供应早午餐和早餐,所以你可以享受西南风味的盘子, like the red chile huevos rancheros or a breakfast protein bowl, 整整一周. While you might have wine on the brain, don’t miss out on one of their zingy brunch cocktails, 比如菠萝加柠檬含羞草,或者用枫糖浆加糖的爱尔兰咖啡.


Tempted by Calistoga’s famous mineral pools? Book a day pass or one of the cabanas at Dr. Wilkinson’s for a perfect post-brunch soak sesh in the restorative waters.

Image courtesy of 更好的房子 | Emma Morris

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餐厅 /圣赫勒拿


纳帕酒庄并不是唯一能品尝到世界著名风土的地方. 其核心是, Forum at Meadowood is focused on all things local produce, 由纳帕农民在纳帕土壤中种植. 如果你待在现场, pop in for breakfast or brunch in their elevated, country-cozy space that is all things light 和 airy. 享受当之无愧的周末早午餐鸡尾酒在他们的户外休息室或简单地马鞍到酒吧快速停止. Their weekly breakfast menu features simple options like organic acaí bowls, 时令烤饼或松饼, 和 hashes alongside rejuvenating cold-pressed juices. 早午餐显然更颓废,有新鲜出炉的牛角面包和英式松饼, as well as dishes like the beef osso bucco 和 fried chicken 和 biscuits. Of course there are plenty of yummy cocktails to go with.


Forum’s menu changes based on the seasons. They even have seasonal “celebrations” of local produce, like the Mustard Season Celebration, with specialty menu items that are also featured on their weekend brunch menu.


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餐厅 /纳帕


Chefs from the Culinary Institute of America dishing up brunch? 我们要一张桌子! 在中央情报局的格罗夫在Copia汇集了一些最新的烹饪思想在美国创造一个休闲餐饮的选择,提供地中海风味与独特的加利福尼亚耀斑. 只在周末提供早午餐, you’ll have to plan ahead to snag a seat, but you’ll want to for delicious dishes like the rye sourdough & 粗粒小麦粉煎饼, jammy eggs with Strauss Greek-style yogurt, 和 the decadent brown sugared bacon-style guanciale. You can choose to have a lazy brunch outside, beneath their grove of olive trees, 或者在他们的室内空间里抓住你的周末,这里有一个开放的厨房,可以坐在前排观看活动.


The Grove at CIA doesn’t skimp when it comes to brunch drinks. 你可以继续你的纳帕葡萄酒的追求与他们精心挑选的酒单或选择一个扭曲,抓住当地酿造的啤酒或鸡尾酒,如他们的签名格罗夫血腥.

Image courtesy of The Grove at CIA at Copia

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餐厅 /圣赫勒拿


而农场在长草甸牧场侧重于午餐和晚餐在一周, 周日他们还提供早午餐, which is a treat for the tastebuds. 以含羞草或血腥玛丽开始你的体验,然后准备享用魔鬼蛋, 温热的肉桂卷, 饼干和香肠肉汁, 草饲芝士汉堡, 和更多的. 菜单确实倾向于更多的午餐灵感的产品,而不是早午餐通常发现的煎蛋卷和benedict, but you won’t mind because everything is mouthwatering 和 delicious.


If you’re visiting on a day other than Sunday, 你仍然可以在农场的户外花园休息区喝一杯浓缩咖啡、吃一块松饼或鸡蛋三明治, a relaxing al fresco café ideal for a casual breakfast on-the-go.

Image courtesy of 脸谱网: 长草甸牧场的农场

餐厅 /

La Cheve面包店

La Cheve面包店 is a family-owned Mexican bakery, 精酿啤酒酒吧, 和一家餐厅在一起, located in one of the oldest buildings in 纳帕 at the Old Adobe House. This fast casual establishment is known for their ever popular conchas, 鸡、, 还有他们轮流酿造的自制啤酒. 毫无疑问,他们口中的新鲜感会让你的味蕾经历一场墨西哥式的“zapateado”!’ Vegan 和 gluten free diners will appreciate their numerous options, while dog owners will love that four-legged friends are welcome, 太.


在周末, come by early to avoid the lines 和 snag the Flan French Toast, delicious traditional Mexican 糕点, 还有新鲜的牙买加含羞草.

图片由La Cheve提供

餐厅 / AG体育平台


来到纳帕,你很难不去托马斯·凯勒大厨著名的餐厅用餐, but when you want something on the more informal side, 顺便去一下他在AG体育平台的面包店. Styled like a traditional French boulangerie, 点火机面包店 features an assortment of artisanal breads, 牛角面包和咖啡蛋糕, 三明治, 沙拉, 和, 当然, 美味的甜点, 比如入口即化的法国马卡龙,灵感来自凯勒对法国生活的回忆.


想要插队? 在线订购,您的订单将在30-40分钟内准备好取货, or later at the time of your choosing. More time to hit the snooze button!

Image courtesy of 脸谱网: 点火机面包店 AG体育平台

餐厅 /纳帕


Known for its global flavors 和 cheerful ambiance, 格蕾丝的桌子欢迎游客到市中心的纳帕地区每天吃早餐. Recognized as a “Michelin Bib Gourm和” restaurant, Grace’s Table draws its influence from North 和 South America, 法国, 和 Italy for items like their pulled pork 和 egg taco, 鲜虾玉米粥, 阿根廷肉馅卷饼, 还有烤金枪鱼色拉.


While you can’t go wrong with anything on the menu, 我们建议您先来一份加薰衣草蜂蜜黄油的玉米面包.

Image courtesy of 脸谱网: Grace’s Table

餐厅 / Calistoga


Since opening in 2015, 山姆会员店 has become a mainstay in Calistoga. Located at the Indian Springs Resort 和 水疗中心, 这个通风的, 现代餐厅拥有一个充满活力的室内餐厅加上一个广阔的户外用餐区,设有火坑和间歇泉喷泉. The seasonal menu features American cuisine with an inventive twist, including such highlights as a breakfast pizza with bacon 和 egg, 浆果椰子奇亚布丁, 或者熏鲑鱼本尼迪克特, but if something more traditional is your speed, 山姆的两个鸡蛋早餐配上培根或香肠绝对不会错.


即使你不吃甜食当早餐,你也不能不尝尝糖果帽油条. 这些罪恶的自制食物配上牛奶焦糖和鲜奶油, 和 promise to be a highlight of your meal.

Image courtesy of 脸谱网: 山姆会员店

餐厅 /圣赫勒拿


模型面包店 is certainly one of 纳帕’s most talked about bakeries, 谢谢, 很大程度上, 对奥普拉, 多年前,她把模型面包店的英式松饼列入了她的“最爱”清单. Along with delicious English Muffins, 哪些是不容错过的, 这家面包店供应面包, 糕点, 和咖啡, as well as a small menu of breakfast 三明治, 乳蛋饼, 和冻糕. 尽管他们的旗舰. 海伦娜 bakery is where it all started nearly 90 years ago, modelbakery后来拓展了业务,现在在纳帕(纳帕)和AG体育平台(AG体育平台)的牛堡公共市场(Oxbow Public Market)都有分店, 无论你住在ag体育正规的哪个地方,都可以很容易地来吃早餐.


你绝对应该点几样东西,以备晚些时候吃, 但万一你没有备货, don’t fret; the bakery ships nationwide through Goldbelly, 所以你可以随时在舒适的家中满足你对英式松饼的渴望.

Image courtesy of Goldbelly | 模型面包店

餐厅 / Calistoga

Solbar - Solage,一个茄子度假村

那些寻求季节性和可持续的票价在清晨将享受在索尔巴产品, Solage Calistoga’s casually refined on-site restaurant. While the menu tilts toward lighter fare, 包括椰肉布丁, 蛋清煎蛋卷, 抗氧化冰沙, 这里有很多更丰盛的选择,比如蟹饼本尼迪克特或墨西哥辣味香肠.


If you just can’t get enough of the cuisine, 含羞草酒, 或是阳光斑驳的天井, no need to rush out after polishing off your breakfast. Solbar serves food pretty much continually from breakfast through dinner, allowing you to keep the tasty food 和 drinks coming well into the afternoon, 如果你愿意的话.

图片由Solage Calistoga提供
