The 9 Best 酒庄 of 纳帕 Valley’s Spring Mountain

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The 9 Best 酒庄 of 纳帕 Valley’s Spring Mountain

By Hana-Lee Sedgwick March 5, 2024

坐落在马亚卡马斯山脉的东坡上,就在西侧 St. 海伦娜, 以山间庄园闻名的ag体育正规中一颗宁静而隐蔽的宝石——春山地区, historical wineries, exceptional 葡萄酒, 和 breathtaking l和scapes.

Fantesca Estate & 酒庄 | Br和on Tavelli Photography
Fantesca Estate & 酒庄, Photo courtesy of Br和on Tavelli Photography

作为美国葡萄种植区(艾娃)于1993年建立 Spring Mountain District 是由其独特的沉积和火山岩土壤混合而成的吗, varied terrain, high elevation, 酷, 潮湿的气候. 首页 to approximately 1,000 acres of vineyards, this 艾娃 is most widely planted to Cabernet Sauvignon 和 梅洛, but you’ll also find 夏敦埃酒, Cabernet Franc, Riesling, 和 Zinf和el grapes. 来自ag体育正规这个独特地区的葡萄酒以其深度和复杂性而闻名, balanced tannins, 和 age-worthiness.

Though just a few miles from downtown St. 海伦娜,该地区蜿蜒的道路和茂密的森林给人一种幽静宁静的感觉. Its wineries, which are tucked off the road 和 hidden away from view, add to the allure, 让你觉得来到这里就像是发现了纳帕最隐秘的秘密. Ready to explore Spring Mountain? 在这里 are nine wineries you won’t want to miss.

Photos Courtesy of Fantesca Estate & 酒庄

Fantesca Estate & 酒庄 宁静的春山庄园以美酒闻名吗, 由著名酿酒师海蒂·巴雷特和托尼·阿库迪酿制. During a private tour 和 tasting, 你将有机会体验这个家族庄园的魅力, 从连绵起伏的葡萄园山丘到令人印象深刻的庄园洞穴, 然后坐下来亲密品尝Fantesca广受赞誉的葡萄酒, including a 夏敦埃酒 和 Pinot Noir from Russian River, 纳帕 Valley Cabernet Blend, 和 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon. 从个性化的款待到令人惊叹的葡萄酒和 beautiful surroundings毫无疑问,你离开这里后会想再回来的.

2920 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707)968-9229

Photo courtesy of 石头的山

Since its founding in 1952, 石头的山 Vineyard 作为纳帕禁酒令后的先锋酒庄之一, 以其对经典葡萄酒酿造的奉献而闻名. For many years, this fabled winery’s doors remained closed to the public, shrouding the estate in an air of mystery 和 allure. 现在, under new ownership, 石山欢迎客人在重新设计的住宅品尝其宁静的财产, which boasts a chic, mid century modern aesthetic. 外, 石头庭院的轻松设置会发现你品尝ag体育正规的原始观点,而你的味道. 石山继续通过制作旧世界风格的葡萄酒来纪念它的遗产,从 席拉 to Riesling to Cabernet, but it’s the precise, minerally 夏敦埃酒s 这让它赢得了“美国最伟大的白葡萄酒庄园”的美誉.”

3331 St. 海伦娜 Highway North, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 963-2636

Pride Mountain Vineyards
Photo courtesy of Pride Mountain Vineyards

Perched atop Spring Mountain, Pride Mountain Vineyards is celebrated for its classically styled Cabernet Sauvignon梅洛 葡萄酒. 酒庄对品质的执着体现在每一瓶酒中, 对于那些寻求深度和特色葡萄酒的人来说,这是一个很好的地方, just without enormous price tags. 在这里, experiences are educational yet unpretentious, 与品尝突出当前的版本和特别的选择. 预订首脑室体验更亲密的设置在桶中.

4026 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 963-4949

Barnett Vineyards
Photo courtesy of Barnett Vineyards

Family-owned Barnett Vineyards is situated on the top of Spring Mountain—2,准确地说,在海拔050英尺的地方,游客可以欣赏到下面ag体育正规的壮丽景色. In addition to scenic vistas from nearly every angle, 期待友好的款待,当你发现酒庄的表现力, small-lot Cabernet Sauvignon 和 Cabernet Franc 葡萄酒,每一个都是由可持续种植的葡萄制成的 纳帕’s 艾娃s.

4070 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 963-7075

Smith-Madrone | Matthew Denny
Photo courtesy of Smith-Madrone | Matthew Denny

Tucked off Spring Mountain Road, Smith-Madrone 一家历史悠久的酒庄是否承诺100%用干农场酿造葡萄酒, mountainside vineyards. Founded in 1971 by Stuart Smith, 这颗春山宝石的海拔高度在1,300和2,000英尺, with vineyards predominantly positioned on steep slopes. Smith-Madrone may be renowned for producing balanced, 复杂的葡萄酒——包括充满活力的雷司令(Riesling),不容错过——但这家小酒厂保持着一种接地气和轻松的氛围, making for a welcoming experience.

4022 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 963-2283

Photos Courtesy of Spring Mountain Vineyard

Steeped in history, Spring Mountain Vineyard 它的起源可以追溯到19世纪末,是第一个种植的 Cabernet Sauvignon grapes on Spring Mountain. 虽然这个庞大的庄园一度有三个独立的地产(每个都有自己的葡萄园和酿酒厂), Spring Mountain Vineyard now comprises 845 acres, with 226 acres under vine. 品酒和参观活动在经过翻新的米拉瓦莱大厦举行, a stately Victorian residence from the 19th century, 在那里,客人被邀请了解葡萄园150年的葡萄种植遗产和它的努力,通过各种当前发布和图书馆的葡萄酒可持续发展.

2805 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 967-4186

葡萄园7 & 8
Photo courtesy of 葡萄园7 & 8

它坐落在春山山顶占地40英亩的庄园里, 葡萄园7 & 8 is owned by the Steffens family, 他们在1999年建立了自己的酒庄,旨在酿造出色的赤霞珠和霞多丽葡萄酒. 酿造出来的葡萄酒是庄园独特风土的真正体现. 游客可以在庄园的私人品酒会上享受这些葡萄酒, 在那里,你可以欣赏到下面广阔的葡萄园的壮丽景色.

4028 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 963-9425

behren Family 酒庄
Photo courtesy of behren Family 酒庄

behren 是一家以生产纳帕各地大胆而富有表现力的葡萄酒而闻名的精品酒庄吗, much like the unique label art that adorns each bottle. Originally founded in 1993 as behren & 希区柯克酒庄(Hitchcock 酒庄), 2005年贝伦斯家族成为唯一的所有者后,酒庄更名. While their portfolio changes each year, featuring a mix of blends 和 single varietal bottlings, 你总是可以期待少量的手工制作的葡萄酒,因为它们是独一无二的.

4078 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, California, 94574, (707) 963-1774

Keenan 酒庄
Photo courtesy of Keenan 酒庄

At family-owned Keenan 酒庄, 重点是制作优质波尔多风格的葡萄酒,不仅品种纯正,而且具有巨大的陈酿潜力. 然而,与该地区典型的郁郁葱葱风格相比,期待更轻盈和细腻的触感. Beyond the noteworthy 葡萄酒, the family is proudly dedicated to sustainability, 从可持续农业到用太阳能为酿酒厂供电,在所有方面都实施环保措施. 虽然这些葡萄酒一直获得顶级评论家的高度赞誉, tastings at Keenan remain approachable 和 welcoming. 客人甚至欢迎带来野餐和品尝它在户外的桌子, surrounded by the picturesque vineyard views.

3660 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 963-9177


参观这些酿酒厂中的任何一个都能让你对独家葡萄酒有一个独特的了解, captivating world of Spring Mountain’s wine scene. 不管你是被线性霞多丽和值得陈年的解百纳吸引来的, for a more intimate, 私人品尝体验远离喧嚣的谷底, or are simply on the hunt for some outst和ing views, 前往这些泉山酒庄的旅程保证了一个难忘的时间探索纳帕最迷人的地区之一.